attachment nil

  • De Young & Krebig 2014 FamCA 700

    by - May 20, 2015
    The case involved an infant aged 15 months whose parents separated when the infant was aged 2 weeks, and where the parents lived in different states.  The infant barely recognised the father during the hearing and...
  • Oldfield & Anor and Oldfield & Anor 2012. FMCAfam 22.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    There was a dispute between both parents of boys aged 10 and 6 years and the paternal grandparents.  The parents had resolved that neither boy spend time with their grandparents following a series of incidents.  Incidents...
  • Rio & McGrath 2013 FCCA

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Two children aged 11 years and 9 years 10 months lived with their mother.  The father had no phone contact with the children for a year before the hearing (contact limited involvement), and declined to participate in...
  • Vance & Carlyle 2014 FamCA 651

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents separated when the child was aged 9 months.  The child lived with the mother and did not see the father for the next year, and then commenced fortnightly visits at a contact centre.  The child...
  • Murphy & Murphy 2007 FamCA 795

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    The Family Law Act refers to ‘reasonable grounds to believe.’  The judge found that facts that provide reasonable grounds for a suspicion or belief do not lead to a positive finding of abuse or violence. Probability...