material factor

  • Scranton & Scranton 2015 FamCA 496

    by - Jul 21, 2015
    Both parents were citizens of another country and applied to travel with their children to that country in alternate years so that the children could meet members of their extended family.  Initial orders allowed the children...
  • Reid & Lynch 2010 FamCAFC 184

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an application to review an order by one judge to allow a father to re-open a case due to changed circumstances.  The couple had lived together for 23 days and produced a son. ...
  • Rice & Asplund 1979 FLC

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    The Appeal Court ruled that it should not lightly entertain an application to reverse an earlier custody order (change final order). To do so would invite endless litigation for change is an ever present factor in...