parenting style protective

  • Ritchie & Feakes 2013 FMCAfam 299

    by - Jul 24, 2015
    The case involved a child aged 7 years with autism spectrum disorder who required a special diet and routine.  The mother submitted that contact with the father must be supervised by a person with special needs...
  • M&H 2008 FCWA 16

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A family consultant reported that a vicious circle of hostility had been set up for a child as both the mother was unaware that her emotional sensitivity and hostility impacted on handovers, and the father did not...
  • G & A 2007 FCWA 11

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A mother applied for sole parental responsibility to make decisions both about the daily welfare and long-term issues on behalf of a 2.5 year old child, even while the child was living with the father, including arranging haircuts. ...
  • Farmer & Rogers 2010 FamCAFC 253

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal against the procedure followed by a judge. The couple had a daughter who was aged about one year when the case was heard, who lived with the mother.   The couple had...