personality rigid

  • McMurr & Sheill 2014 FamCA 327

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    A father applied for a child aged 8 years to participate in a special education placement but the mother failed to file a response despite the Court’s directions to do so.  Evidence was presented that the child had attended...
  • Ramirez & Ramirez 2013 FamCA 153

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    A child aged 12 years had special needs due to mild cerebral palsy, mild intellectual disability and epilepsy.   The father had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  The child was in the primary care of the mother.  The...

    by - May 26, 2015
    A separated couple had 2 children aged 10 and 12 years. The children had been exposed to 5 years of bitter dispute between the parents. The mother alleged the father had a mental health condition that...
  • Gilliard & Gilliard 2015 FamCA 18

    by - Mar 17, 2015
    The case involved siblings who were separated, as one child aged 12 years initially lived with the father while twins aged 9 years lived with the mother (sibling separation). An expert reported that the father exhibited...
  • Cameron & Brown 2008 FamCA 773

    by - Mar 17, 2015
    The judge found that a father’s inspections and monitoring of the child and demands for an explanation for every mark or scrape are not only inappropriate but also obsessive and amounted to emotional abuse (personality rigid, parenting style rigid).  ...Read More
  • Peters & March 2010 FamCA 151

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The mother left the father taking two children aged 6 and 5 years.  The older child was fathered by a second man who took no interest in the proceedings.  The parents lived 180km apart.  The father...
  • Rio & McGrath 2013 FCCA

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Two children aged 11 years and 9 years 10 months lived with their mother.  The father had no phone contact with the children for a year before the hearing (contact limited involvement), and declined to participate in...
  • Carnegie & Ginter 2013 FamCA 331

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The parents of a 6 year old girl had a shared care arrangement when the mother alleged that the child had been subject to sexual abuse by the father and paternal grandmother.  The mother applied for...
  • Davidson & Davidson 2010 FamCA 5

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The couple had twins aged 6 years at the time of the hearings.  The couple separated when the twins were 7 months old, and the twins lived with the mother and spent time with the father. ...
  • Scranton & Scranton 2012 FamCAFC 54

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved two children aged about 7 and 10 years at the time.  Two simultaneous expert reports indicated that the father had an obsessive personality disorder and that at times he became so completely preoccupied with...
  • Dickson & Fabra 2013 FMCAfam 43

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents disputed arrangements for their son aged 9 years.  The father was diagnosed with hydrocephalus that impacted on his personality leading to a rigid and obsessive style of interacting with people (personality rigid).  This condition led...
  • Carlton & Larry 2014 FCCA 94

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved a child aged 7 years who was reluctant to visit her father (reluctant to contact).  A child protection service had assessed the family and found no current concerns about child protection although there...
  • Condon-Nixon & Rivers 2012. FamCA 7.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple were married for 4 years before separation, with 2 children aged 10 and 7 years.   Both parents had re-married. One daughter had special needs due to a global developmental delay, and she received regular...
  • Gingham & Gingham 2013 FamCAFC 30

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved a mother who appealed after her son decided not to spend time with the mother (reluctant to contact).  The mother had cared for the boy for his first 10 years, and an expert...
  • Cannon & Acres 2014 FamCA 104

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents of a child aged 12 years had engaged in dispute about access for 7 years.  The child then expressed a strong view to several professionals that she no longer wanted contact with her father (child’s wishes)....
  • W & S 2008 FCWA 39

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The mother of a 3 year old had commenced a relationship with a new partner (re-partnered).  The father asked for an order to prevent their daughter from coming into contact with the mother’s new partner. The...
  • Farmer & Rogers 2010 FamCAFC 253

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal against the procedure followed by a judge. The couple had a daughter who was aged about one year when the case was heard, who lived with the mother.   The couple had...
  • Slater & Light 2013 FamCAFC 4

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had three children aged 10, 9 and 8 years.  Interim orders had been made for the children to live with the father and to spend time with the mother.  When the case was reviewed...