child’s sexualised behaviour

  • Kapicic & Bakal 2014 FamCA 236

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    The mother of a 7 year old child sought to reduce the time the child spent with the father pending an updated Family Report.  The mother also sought to disqualify the family consultant on the grounds of apprehension of...
  • Pollock & Breen-Pollock No 3. 2014 FamCA 1026

    by - Apr 13, 2015
    The case involved allegations that the father had participated in sexual abuse with children aged 7 and 6 years at the time of the hearing.  The parents separated after the mother expressed concern about the way the...
  • Leo & Hanson 2010 FamCA 321

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had a daughter aged 3 years at the time of the hearing.  The couple was involved in a car accident that severely injured the father, resulting in his being hospitalised for 7 months and...
  • Froth & Schneider 2011 FamCA 378

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The parents separated after 3 years of living together and had a daughter aged 6 years who had been living with her mother. When the child was aged 20 months the mother reported that the daughter...
  • Langmeil & Grange 2011. FamCt 605

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    A couple had three children aged 7, 6 and 5 years at the time of the rulings.  The parents separated after 5 years of being together, and had been in dispute for at least 3 years. ...