Family Court

  • Benton & Benton 2014 FamCA 251

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    A mother held a genuine strong belief that the father had sexually abused his stepdaughter (the mother’s daughter) when aged 13 years, but the father had been found not guilty in criminal proceedings.   The father had two children aged 7 and...
  • Berrington & Farndale 2015 FamCA 183

    by - Jun 23, 2015
      The parents separated before the child was born.  The child who was aged 7 years at the time of the hearing had lived with the mother for six years before a family court issued an...
  • Crawford & Sisinis and Anor 2014 FamCA 912

    by - May 1, 2015
    Parents of a child aged 12 years referred the child to an assessing psychologist following their separation as the child was not coping with the separation.  The psychologist asked the parents to sign a form agreeing that...
  • Wu & Huang 2014 FCCA 393

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A father alleged that a boy aged 15 years had been beaten by the mother, and filed an affidavit that was allegedly written by the boy.  The judge found that the Court had not authorised the boy to...
  • Irish & Michelle 2009 FamCA 66

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents of children aged 9 and 7 years lived interstate after their separation.  The mother was the primary carer.  The end of the relationship was traumatic for the mother, and the mother’s distress was evident to...
  • Secretary of Department of Health & Human Services and Ray & Ors 2010 FamCAFC 258

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal against a decision by a trial judge in a Federal Circuit Court.  Allegations of sexual abuse were made about one child, and it was alleged that the mother had substance abuse...
  • M v M

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    The High Court ruled, “…it is a mistake to think that the Family Court is under the same duty to resolve in a definitive way the disputed allegation of sexual abuse as a court exercising criminal...
  • Tindall & Saldo 2015. FamCAFC 1

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    The case involved an appeal by the mother where she was found to have contravened an orders without reasonable excuse.  The mother’s treating psychiatrist gave evidence that the mother had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, with...