impact on child

  • Ahrens & Ahrens 2013 FMCAfam 273

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    A mother separated due to complaints of family violence.  The mother reported that the father was both controlling and emotionally abusive towards her in the presence of children aged 9 and 10 years, and that he...
  • Mettrick & Mettrick No 2 2014 FamCA 507

    by - Jul 1, 2015
    The judge drew attention to a letter the father gave to the children at the conclusion of a contact period.  The judge interpreted the letter as having overtones of being a farewell letter, a goodbye letter,...
  • Asprey & Delamere 2014 FamCA 838

    by - Apr 29, 2015
    The case involved parents of children aged 7 and 3 years.   Parents had been unable to make joint decisions on two major long term issues involving education and health care.  The mother wanted the children to attend...
  • Shivas & Darby 2014 FamCA 1149

    by - Apr 22, 2015
    The case involved a mother who was reluctant to acknowledge that her older child was exposed to a sufficiently grave risk that the mother needed to choose between protecting her child and have a continuing relationship...
  • Collins & Ricardo 2015 FamCA 7

    by - Mar 19, 2015
    A father applied to have unsupervised access with his child aged 6 years.  The father submitted reports from two assessing psychologists in support of his application. A report by one psychologist indicated that the father “does not...
  • Carson & Carson 2013 FMCAfam 9

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved a girl aged 5 years.  The mother had a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa that was in remission, and she was in a new relationship she found to be supportive (re-partnered).  The judge found...
  • Nimmo & Silva 2014 FCCA 160

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents disputed arrangements for a 10 year girl who had lived with her mother and who objected to spending time with her father (reluctant to contact).  Evidence was presented that there was a history of family...
  • Champness & Hanson 2009 FamCAFC 96

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A mother alleged that she had been subjected to family violence and took two children aged 8 and 6 years to visit members of her extended family overseas.  The mother returned only because of a court...
  • Pullman & Pullman 2012. FamCA 980

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple separated having 2 children aged 11 and 10 years.  The parents agreed their children had observed one physical altercation when police were called.  The children initially spent time with the father while living with the mother. ...
  • Selkin & Artliff-Selkin 2013 FamCAFC 19

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had an order for shared care. The mother then applied to relocate with three children aged 10, 8 and 5 years to a town 78km away. The trial judge allowed the relocation. The father...
  • Cannon & Acres 2014 FamCA 104

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents of a child aged 12 years had engaged in dispute about access for 7 years.  The child then expressed a strong view to several professionals that she no longer wanted contact with her father (child’s wishes)....
  • Thomas & Watson 2013 FamCAFC 8

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had two children aged 13 and 7 years.  An initial order for shared care granted 9 days to the mother and 5 days to the father.  The mother applied for the order to be...
  • Slater & Light 2013 FamCAFC 4

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had three children aged 10, 9 and 8 years.  Interim orders had been made for the children to live with the father and to spend time with the mother.  When the case was reviewed...
  • Moysey & Sutton 2014 FCCA 90

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A father of two daughters aged 12 and 8 years informed his daughters that their mother was mean, and that he missed his daughters and cried every night and morning, and that he had no money...
  • Claringbold & James 2011 FamCA 211

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    The case involved a girl aged 12 years whose parents had engaged in legal disputes for most of her life.  The girl lived with her father.  The mother asked the judge to change a final order...
  • Ponting & Ponting 2011 FamCAFC 88

    by - Mar 2, 2015
    A judge made orders that did not allow children aged 11 and 7 years to spend time with their father (restrained from contact).  The father appealed. Evidence had been presented about various incidents involving the father. ...
  • Tadic & Cupic 2013 FCWA 43

    by - Mar 2, 2015
    The case involved a 4 year old girl whose parents had separated in the year of her birth, and who lived with the mother.   Several significant disputes between the parents were discussed in court.  The father...