parenting style dependent

  • O’Boyle & Salt 2014 FamCA 132

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    Four boys aged 14, 12, 11 and 7 years had lived with the father for two years following separation.  The youngest child had moved to live with the mother for eight months while the three older children continued to...
  • Gilliard & Gilliard 2015 FamCA 18

    by - Mar 17, 2015
    The case involved siblings who were separated, as one child aged 12 years initially lived with the father while twins aged 9 years lived with the mother (sibling separation). An expert reported that the father exhibited...
  • O & O FCWA 20

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A trial judge accepted an assessment by a consultant that a father had an inappropriate relationship with his daughter aged 11 years as he talked to her about everything, he confided in her in many topics...
  • Deacon & Castle 2013 FCCA 691.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple cohabited for about ten years before separating, had two daughters aged 11 and 9 years at the time of the hearing, and had engaged in legal proceedings for 5 years after separation.  The father...
  • Ackerman & Ackerman 2013 FMCAfam 109

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple divorced with daughters aged 10 and 8 years.  The father had been the breadwinner while the mother cared for the children.  The mother alleged the father had shown disinterest in the children and had...
  • Akston & Boyle 2010 FamCAFC 56

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal by a mother that a decision by a trial judge concerning an assessment of unacceptable risk of harm to a child from the father’s substance use was flawed. A child aged...
  • Theophane & Hunt 2011 FamCA 968

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple separated one year after having a daughter and then engaged in constant litigation and had been a high conflict couple for 4 years.  The mother alleged she had been subjected to family violence in the...
  • Farmer & Rogers 2010 FamCAFC 253

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal against the procedure followed by a judge. The couple had a daughter who was aged about one year when the case was heard, who lived with the mother.   The couple had...
  • Moysey & Sutton 2014 FCCA 90

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A father of two daughters aged 12 and 8 years informed his daughters that their mother was mean, and that he missed his daughters and cried every night and morning, and that he had no money...
  • Parkin & Sykes 2013 FamCAFC 87

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    A father appealed an order that an 11 year old boy live with the mother and spend time with the father.  The judge found that the parents were unable to cooperate and that ongoing litigation had...
  • Thompson & Hawkes 2014 FCCA 390

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    A father asked to review orders for his 3 year old daughter 15 months after orders were issued.  The father claimed changed circumstances saying that he had formed a new relationship (re-partnered), his daughter was of...