personality disorder borderline
Taggart & Felton 2011 FMCAfam 395
Mar 4, 2015The father left the mother and later established a new relationship (re-partnered). The father then applied for his 10 year old daughter to live with him although she would be separated from her two older siblings...Tinto & Dawhurst 2014 FamCAFC 16
Mar 4, 2015A child aged 6 years had lived with the mother for 5 years. A psychiatrist gave evidence that the mother met 7 of 9 criteria for borderline personality disorder, and recommended psychological therapy (personality emotionally volatile). ...Pullman & Pullman 2012. FamCA 980
Mar 4, 2015A couple separated having 2 children aged 11 and 10 years. The parents agreed their children had observed one physical altercation when police were called. The children initially spent time with the father while living with the mother. ...Theophane & Hunt 2011 FamCA 968
Mar 4, 2015A couple separated one year after having a daughter and then engaged in constant litigation and had been a high conflict couple for 4 years. The mother alleged she had been subjected to family violence in the...