risk assessment

  • Ghanem & Hilal 2014 FamCA 137

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    A mother alleged that the father had sexually abused an older daughter of the mother from another relationship when that child was aged 8 years. The mother also alleged that the father was unable to control his anger without...
  • Nardello & Fillmore 2009 FamCAFC 42

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    The mother of four children appealed a decision by the judge to place two younger boys aged 7 and 8 years with their father and older brother, while a girl was placed with the mother.  The...
  • Talbot & Wayans 2013 FMCAfam 84

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    A father with epilepsy had no contact with a child aged 7 years for 3 years and applied to recommence visits in a contact centre.  The mother objected on the grounds that when the father had seizures...