
  • Martin & Martin and Anor (No. 2) 2014 FamCA 232

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    A couple had been in dispute about a property matter and the wife’s firm of lawyers issued a subpoena to obtain confidential information. The husband submitted that this was a classic example of “fishing” as the firm did not...
  • Hale & Hale 2011 FMCAfam

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    Twins aged 12 years lived with their mother.  The father alleged that the mother tried to alienate the children from him as had occurred with an older sister. The judge had ordered that the children participate...
  • Solomon v AHPRA 2015 WASC 203

    by - Jul 30, 2015
    A complaint was made to the Registration Board AHPRA about the conduct of a treating psychologist. A couple had received couple counselling from the psychologist, then decided to separate.  The wife continued to see the psychologist...
  • Huffman & Gorman 2015 FamCA 317

    by - Aug 20, 2015
      The case involved three children aged 8, 6 and 4 years.   The father alleged that the mother had over a long period of time before and after their separation threatened him and the children (family violence)....
  • Crawford & Sisinis and Anor 2014 FamCA 912

    by - May 1, 2015
    Parents of a child aged 12 years referred the child to an assessing psychologist following their separation as the child was not coping with the separation.  The psychologist asked the parents to sign a form agreeing that...