judge interview a child

  • Cannon & Acres 2014 FamCA 104

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    The case involved a girl aged 12 years whose parents had been in ongoing conflict since they separated when she was aged 5 years (intractable conflict).  The child was described as mature. The judge noted there...
  • Fargo & Lark 2011 FamCA 238

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved a boy aged nearly 12 years who had lived in a shared care arrangement between both parents.  The parents had prolonged arguments before court about the boy since he was aged 6 months...
  • Truman & Truman 2008 FamCAFC 4

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    Evidence was accepted from a family consultant although the consultant had not interviewed the children involved, and did not observe interactions between the children and parents.  The consultant had conducted a mediation session with parents to...