Parenting Styles in a Family Law Context
Jun 15, 2015This article first describes traditional concepts about parenting styles, and then reports a study of parenting styles that are seen in a family law context. TRADITIONAL CONCEPTS OF PARENTING STYLE Researchers distinguish different broad approaches for...Khorsandi & Rashidi No 2. 2014
May 11, 2015A family arrived in Australia as asylum seekers with children aged 7 and 6 years. The parents separated and the father was absent from the family for 2 months. When the father returned he applied to...Crawford & Sisinis and Anor 2014 FamCA 912
May 1, 2015Parents of a child aged 12 years referred the child to an assessing psychologist following their separation as the child was not coping with the separation. The psychologist asked the parents to sign a form agreeing that...Whitby & Zeiler No 2. 2014 FamCAFC 239
Mar 4, 2015Both parents migrated to Australia. The parents separated when their child was aged 2 years, and the father did not see the child for the next 4 years, in part because the mother travelled overseas. The...Wolford & Attorney-General’s Dept (Cth) 2014 FamCAFC 197
Mar 4, 2015A mother who had lived with the father in England appealed against an order requiring her to return to England with her two young children. The mother reported that she had been subjected to verbal and...Tarritt & Director General of the Commonwealth Services 2008 FamCAFC 34
Mar 4, 2015Parents had a daughter aged 11 years at the time of the hearing. The mother left the daughter in the care of her father who lived in the USA. The parents disputed care of the daughter...W & R 2006 FamCA 25
Mar 3, 2015Parties migrated to Australia from a nearby country and had children. When the parents separated they agreed that the children remain with the mother provided that she remained in Australia. Two years later the mother wanted...Maluka & Maluka 2009 FamCA 647
Mar 2, 2015A mother of children aged 7.5 years and 5.5 years alleged that the father had been violent throughout their relationship and this had continued after their separation. The alleged family violence included isolation, controlling behaviour, dominance,...Russell & Russell 2012 FamCA 99
Feb 24, 2015Both parents were born in India and they married in India. The couple met for the first time at their engagement and met again at their wedding. The marriage was arranged by family members (arranged marriage). ...Legal Principles
Nov 7, 2014Complexfamilies summarises information and principles from three sources in Australia. Three sources of legal principles are: legislation passed by a parliament that is binding of a family law court policies adopted by government standards adopted by professional...