communication structured

  • Rio & McGrath 2013 FCCA

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Two children aged 11 years and 9 years 10 months lived with their mother.  The father had no phone contact with the children for a year before the hearing (contact limited involvement), and declined to participate in...
  • Mullen & Acken No 2. 2011 FamCA 772

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had three daughters aged 12, 11 and 9 years.  After separation the mother had on several occasions phoned her daughters and asked them to write to the ICL to pass on their negative experiences...
  • Nimmo & Silva 2014 FCCA 160

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents disputed arrangements for a 10 year girl who had lived with her mother and who objected to spending time with her father (reluctant to contact).  Evidence was presented that there was a history of family...
  • Condon-Nixon & Rivers 2012. FamCA 7.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple were married for 4 years before separation, with 2 children aged 10 and 7 years.   Both parents had re-married. One daughter had special needs due to a global developmental delay, and she received regular...
  • Champness & Hanson 2009 FamCAFC 96

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A mother alleged that she had been subjected to family violence and took two children aged 8 and 6 years to visit members of her extended family overseas.  The mother returned only because of a court...
  • Gingham & Gingham 2013 FamCAFC 30

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved a mother who appealed after her son decided not to spend time with the mother (reluctant to contact).  The mother had cared for the boy for his first 10 years, and an expert...
  • SS & AH 2010 FamCAFC 13

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal by a mother against orders made by a trial judge.  The couple separated after being together for 7 years and having two children.  In 2000 a judge ordered that the children...
  • Oscar & Delaware 2012. FAMCA 211.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The father had arrived in Australia on a visitor’s visa and sought a visa for permanent residency.  The father had been in relationships with two women (Ms A & Ms D) within a 2 year period and...
  • Cannon & Acres 2014 FamCA 104

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents of a child aged 12 years had engaged in dispute about access for 7 years.  The child then expressed a strong view to several professionals that she no longer wanted contact with her father (child’s wishes)....
  • DOHS v Ms B & Mr G 2008 VChC 1

    by - Mar 2, 2015
    A couple had 4 children, KB aged 7 years, TG aged 3 years and twins WB and JB aged 9 months.  The mother had two older children who were on child protection orders and who lived...
  • Legislation

    by - Nov 7, 2014
    Legislation in Australia allows people to apply for three types of intervention that affect family members: a parenting order from a Family Law Court (Family Circuit Court) a child protection order from a Children’s Court an...