
  • Stonelake & Verboom and Anor 2014 FamCA 434

    by - Oct 23, 2015
    The mother was estimated to have a mild-moderate intellectual disability, and received a disability pension.  The judge found that the mother did not have the parenting capacity to care for the child without assistance that was provided by...
  • Palmer & Palmer 2009 FamCAFC 9

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    A lawyer for a wife applied for a case guardian to be appointed so that a hearing could be re-opened and further evidence presented.  The wife had suffered a stroke resulting in loss of power to...
  • Merrett & Bass 2013 FMCAfam 263

    by - Aug 7, 2015
    The case involved a 14 year old who felt hopeless due to the ongoing conflict over him between the parents that had continued since the parents finally separated four years earlier.  The boy lived with the...
  • Study of Personalities of Parents in Family Law Settings

    by - Jun 15, 2015
      Concepts used in family law courts to describe personalities of parents who brought a dispute to Court were studied, based on a sample of cases summarised in Complexfamilies. Concepts to Describe Personality The DSM-5 international system for classifying...