parenting style emotional
Elford & Elford 2015 FamCA 192
Jul 10, 2015The mother and her young adult daughter alleged that the father engaged in family violence. Evidence was given that the parents were a high conflict couple who exposed the child aged ten years to their arguments...Seaver & Seaver 2015 FamCA 194
Jun 17, 2015Parents of children aged 9 and 4 years separated. The father re-partnered. Soon after the mother reported that the children exhibited increased anxiety and the mother withheld the children. The mother demanded that the father participate...Kardos & Coutts 2014 FamCA 1985
Apr 20, 2015The case involved a child aged 9 years who had been on a shared care arrangement for four years. The mother was aged 18 years when the child was born, and the father left her to...Pollock & Breen-Pollock No 3. 2014 FamCA 1026
Apr 13, 2015The case involved allegations that the father had participated in sexual abuse with children aged 7 and 6 years at the time of the hearing. The parents separated after the mother expressed concern about the way the...Lolley & Lolley 2012 FamCA 380
Mar 4, 2015A child aged 5 years displayed disturbed and defiant behaviours that both parents found difficult to manage (child’s behaviour). The parents had parenting styles that differed (parenting styles differ) and held different views about the cause of...M&H 2008 FCWA 16
Mar 4, 2015A family consultant reported that a vicious circle of hostility had been set up for a child as both the mother was unaware that her emotional sensitivity and hostility impacted on handovers, and the father did not...Tinto & Dawhurst 2014 FamCAFC 16
Mar 4, 2015A child aged 6 years had lived with the mother for 5 years. A psychiatrist gave evidence that the mother met 7 of 9 criteria for borderline personality disorder, and recommended psychological therapy (personality emotionally volatile). ...Pullman & Pullman 2012. FamCA 980
Mar 4, 2015A couple separated having 2 children aged 11 and 10 years. The parents agreed their children had observed one physical altercation when police were called. The children initially spent time with the father while living with the mother. ...