personality disorder

  • Sutton & Anderson 2014 FamCA 215

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    The mother of a child aged 4 years at the time of the hearing had been subjected to intense and long term verbal abuse.  The mother applied to relocate to be with her extended family and to provide some relief...
  • Yeddich & Meier and Anor 2014 FamCA 125

    by - Oct 24, 2015
    An assessor described a 13 year old child as having developed an atypical form of anxious-avoidant attachment style, meaning that the child had responded to the lack of adult responsiveness to his needs by becoming self-reliant. ...
  • Solomon v AHPRA 2015 WASC 203

    by - Jul 30, 2015
    A complaint was made to the Registration Board AHPRA about the conduct of a treating psychologist. A couple had received couple counselling from the psychologist, then decided to separate.  The wife continued to see the psychologist...
  • Study of Personalities of Parents in Family Law Settings

    by - Jun 15, 2015
      Concepts used in family law courts to describe personalities of parents who brought a dispute to Court were studied, based on a sample of cases summarised in Complexfamilies. Concepts to Describe Personality The DSM-5 international system for classifying...
  • Collins & Ricardo 2015 FamCA 7

    by - Mar 19, 2015
    A father applied to have unsupervised access with his child aged 6 years.  The father submitted reports from two assessing psychologists in support of his application. A report by one psychologist indicated that the father “does not...
  • Taggart & Felton 2011 FMCAfam 395

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The father left the mother and later established a new relationship (re-partnered).  The father then applied for his 10 year old daughter to live with him although she would be separated from her two older siblings...
  • Tinto & Dawhurst 2014 FamCAFC 16

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A child aged 6 years had lived with the mother for 5 years.  A psychiatrist gave evidence that the mother met 7 of 9 criteria for  borderline personality disorder, and recommended psychological therapy (personality emotionally volatile). ...
  • Scranton & Scranton 2012 FamCAFC 54

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved two children aged about 7 and 10 years at the time.  Two simultaneous expert reports indicated that the father had an obsessive personality disorder and that at times he became so completely preoccupied with...
  • Pullman & Pullman 2012. FamCA 980

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple separated having 2 children aged 11 and 10 years.  The parents agreed their children had observed one physical altercation when police were called.  The children initially spent time with the father while living with the mother. ...
  • Theophane & Hunt 2011 FamCA 968

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple separated one year after having a daughter and then engaged in constant litigation and had been a high conflict couple for 4 years.  The mother alleged she had been subjected to family violence in the...