restrained from physical discipline
Bagi & Belov 2015 FamCA 206
Jun 16, 2015Prior to the hearing when the child was aged 7 years, the mother had removed the child to a secret location and the father did not see the child for 2 years. Both parents alleged that...Massey & Cooper 2014 FamCA 574
May 22, 2015The case involved a child aged 13 years who was diagnosed with ADHD and who took Ritalin. The child had been on a week-about shared care arrangement with both parents. Both parents had re-partnered. The mother...Finiotis & Finiotis 2010 FMCAfam 1
Mar 4, 2015A couple separated and had a son aged 7 years at the time of the hearing. The mother re-partnered. The child lived with the mother and spent time with the father. The father requested sole parental...