secret location

  • Bagi & Belov 2015 FamCA 206

    by - Jun 16, 2015
    Prior to the hearing when the child was aged 7 years, the mother had removed the child to a secret location and the father did not see the child for 2 years. Both parents alleged that...
  • Stone & Stone and ANOR 2015 FamCA 14

    by - Mar 19, 2015
    Children aged 8 and 6 years lived with their mother after separation.  The mother and maternal grandparents refused to allow the children to spend time with their father despite orders to permit this.  The mother put...
  • Deledio & Deledio. 2012. FMCAfam 646.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The parents separated with a child aged 8 years.  The mother left the home with the child and moved to a secret location after alleging domestic violence and alcohol abuse by the father.  The mother was concerned...