unsubstantiated allegation

  • Lackey & Mae 2013 FMCAfam 284

    by - Jul 24, 2015
    Parents of four children aged between 14 and 5 years had been in high conflict for some years.  The judge found that the father and paternal family had made 34 allegations to the child protection department...
  • Wilson & Wilson 2015 FamCA 490

    by - Jul 24, 2015
    A mother was ordered to have supervised access with her child aged 13 years but she found it too difficult to meet conditions set by a contact centre.  The mother had alleged sexual abuse of the...
  • Landon & Maclin 2015 FamCA 241

    by - Sep 2, 2015
      A child was aged 5 years at the time of the hearing.  When the child was aged 2 years the mother babysat both the child and another child.  When the parent  of the other child...
  • Kardos & Coutts 2014 FamCA 1985

    by - Apr 20, 2015
    The case involved a child aged 9 years who had been on a shared care arrangement for four years.  The mother was aged 18 years when the child was born, and the father left her to...
  • Leo & Hanson 2010 FamCA 321

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple had a daughter aged 3 years at the time of the hearing.  The couple was involved in a car accident that severely injured the father, resulting in his being hospitalised for 7 months and...
  • Cambridge & Walter 2010 FCWA 30

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A father applied for unsupervised access of his two children who were a daughter aged 12 years and a son aged 9 years following several years when access had been supervised due to an unsubstantiated allegation...
  • Deacon & Castle 2013 FCCA 691.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple cohabited for about ten years before separating, had two daughters aged 11 and 9 years at the time of the hearing, and had engaged in legal proceedings for 5 years after separation.  The father...
  • Carnegie & Ginter 2013 FamCA 331

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The parents of a 6 year old girl had a shared care arrangement when the mother alleged that the child had been subject to sexual abuse by the father and paternal grandmother.  The mother applied for...
  • Bartel & Schmucker No 3. 2012 FamCA 1094

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents had 3 children aged between 9 and 13 years.  Both parents had health worker qualifications.  There had been conflict before the court for 6 years with 3 final orders having been issued over time.  Each...
  • Condon-Nixon & Rivers 2012. FamCA 7.

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple were married for 4 years before separation, with 2 children aged 10 and 7 years.   Both parents had re-married. One daughter had special needs due to a global developmental delay, and she received regular...
  • Krach & Krach 2009 FamCA 507

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Both parents made reciprocal allegations (mutual accusations) that the other had abused their children aged 8 and 9 years.  The mother alleged that the father sexually abused the children by actions outlined below.  The father alleged...
  • Ruth aka Hutton & Hutton 2011 FamCAFC 99

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    Parents separated and initially agreed about access arrangements for their child.  On four occasions the mother withheld the child from the father.  The mother then alleged that the father had sexually abused the child and this...
  • Warhurst & Landy 2014 FamCAFC 201

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The trial judge ordered that the father have sole parental responsibility for a child, that the child live with the father and visit the mother at the discretion of the father.  The mother appealed the orders....
  • SS & AH 2010 FamCAFC 13

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    The case involved an appeal by a mother against orders made by a trial judge.  The couple separated after being together for 7 years and having two children.  In 2000 a judge ordered that the children...
  • Wade & Braum 2013 FCWA 31

    by - Mar 4, 2015
    A couple with 3 children separated with the children living with their mother with a shared parental responsibility arrangement.   The father sought time with the children, and this was opposed by the mother. The mother alleged that the father...
  • Parkin & Sykes 2013 FamCAFC 87

    by - Mar 3, 2015
    A father appealed an order that an 11 year old boy live with the mother and spend time with the father.  The judge found that the parents were unable to cooperate and that ongoing litigation had...