Watt & Neilson 2012. FMCAfam 751
It was agreed in a consent order that the father be restrained from alcohol use and restrained from use of illicit substances for 12 hours prior to receiving his children into his care.
It was agreed in a consent order that the father be restrained from alcohol use and restrained from use of illicit substances for 12 hours prior to receiving his children into his care.
A v A: Relocation Approach 2008 FamCA 751
The Full Court stated that when considering a proposal for a party to relocate a ..
A mother was raised as Christian by her parents who had worked as missionaries. The ..
Ackerman & Ackerman 2013 FMCAfam 109
A couple divorced with daughters aged 10 and 8 years. The father had been ..
A mother applied to relocate to another city with her child so that she ..
Ahrens & Ahrens 2013 FMCAfam 273
A mother separated due to complaints of family violence. The mother reported that the ..
Akston & Boyle 2010 FamCAFC 56
The case involved an appeal by a mother that a decision by a trial ..
Before separation the mother had been the primary carer for two children aged 8 ..