Moysey & Sutton 2014 FCCA 90

A father of two daughters aged 12 and 8 years informed his daughters that their mother was mean, and that he missed his daughters and cried every night and morning, and that he had no money left for himself (parenting style dependent).  The father threatened to burn his house while he was inside unless his wife agreed to a demand to provide him with more funds.

A psychiatrist who treated the father described him as having narcissistic and obsessive personality traits, with some grandiosity as well as a perfectionistic and controlling nature (personality self-centred).

The judge found that for periods the father’s behaviour was centred solely on himself and that he did not understand the effects his behaviours had on his children (impact on child).  The father had discussed disputes with his ex-wife and his own problems with his children and these discussions had distressed the children (adult topics).  The father informed the court that he would continue to discuss these issues with his children, involving them in adult disputes (parenting style insightless).

The judge ordered that the children’s access with their father be supervised access.


