- Aboriginal (6)
- Aboriginal Australians (1)
- abscond (5)
- absconded (2)
- abusive (27)
- access conditional (9)
- access plan (8)
- access supervised (32)
- access suspended (1)
- accommodation (11)
- ADHD (5)
- admissibility (2)
- admissible (2)
- adult conflict (3)
- adult disputes (16)
- adult topic (2)
- adult topics (14)
- adversarial expert (2)
- advocate (3)
- Africa (0)
- age-appropriate boundary (1)
- agency contact centre (5)
- age of child (17)
- age of maturity (1)
- aggressive (28)
- alcohol abuse (12)
- alienate (21)
- alienation (4)
- align (11)
- American Psychiatric Association (1)
- anger management (9)
- animosity (5)
- anorexia nervosa (2)
- anxiety (53)
- apprehension of bias (1)
- arranged marriage (1)
- artificial inducement (2)
- assault (18)
- assess child’s wishes (1)
- assessing psychologist (18)
- assessment focused (1)
- assessments repeated (10)
- assessor (47)
- assessor limited expertise (1)
- assess risk (7)
- at-risk (1)
- attachment (29)
- attachment ambivalent (1)
- attachment anxious (3)
- attachment assessment (4)
- attachment assessments (0)
- attachment continuum (1)
- attachment disorder (4)
- attachment figure (9)
- attachment figure primary (7)
- attachment insecure (2)
- attachment nil (5)
- attachment secure (2)
- attachment serial (1)
- attachments multiple (2)
- attachment therapy (1)
- attachment trauma (3)
- attend school (4)
- attributions externalising (14)
- attuned to child’s communication (2)
- Australia (10)
- Australian Federal Police (1)
- authoritative parenting (1)
- Authority Patrick Parkinson (1)
- autism (4)
- autism spectrum disorder (10)
- autonomous thoughts (1)
- AVO (10)
- more »« less
- balance of probabilities (7)
- basic positive routines (3)
- belong (4)
- best interests of child (4)
- binding on a third party (1)
- biological father (3)
- biological parent (16)
- biological parents (5)
- bipolar disorder (6)
- borderline personality disorder (1)
- breastfed (2)
- Briginshaw standard (2)
- bruise (7)
- burden of proof (16)
- more »« less
- cannabis (15)
- capacity to calm (1)
- capacity to change (14)
- capacity to decide (19)
- capacity to protect (30)
- capacity to reflect (5)
- case guardian (3)
- case management (1)
- caught in parental disputes (2)
- CBT (1)
- changed circumstances (38)
- change final order (3)
- character (4)
- child’s affidavit (1)
- child’s allegations (1)
- Child’s behaviour (12)
- child’s disorder (1)
- child’s name (1)
- child’s need to know (1)
- child’s responsibilities (1)
- child’s sexualised behaviour (5)
- child’s views (6)
- child abuse (3)
- child domination (2)
- child focused (15)
- child initiated play (1)
- child needs to know (1)
- child pornography (1)
- child protection (27)
- child protection assessment (1)
- Child Protection Court (2)
- Child Protection Department (22)
- Children’s Court (2)
- Children Courts (3)
- Child Sexual Abuse Unit (1)
- Child Support Agreements (1)
- child support payment (1)
- child traumatised (1)
- Child Wishes (3)
- child’s wishes (57)
- choice (3)
- choices within limits (2)
- clinginess by a parent (2)
- closed community (1)
- co-parent (17)
- co-parenting (2)
- coached (24)
- coerce (9)
- coercive behaviour (1)
- coercive controlling violence (9)
- collaborative parenting (5)
- collectivist (1)
- communicate respect (3)
- communicate respectfully (1)
- communication book (6)
- communication poor (11)
- communication privacy (1)
- communication restricted (1)
- communication structured (11)
- competent parent (23)
- complex case (1)
- complex cases (2)
- compliance (8)
- conceal (1)
- conditional access (11)
- conditional financial contribution (1)
- conditional love (1)
- confidential (15)
- confidentiality (5)
- conflict of interest (1)
- consent agreement (3)
- consent order (4)
- consult (17)
- contact level of involvement (3)
- contact limited (9)
- contact limited involvement (13)
- contact long absent (3)
- contact nil (5)
- contact prohibited (1)
- contact scale (1)
- contemporaneous notes (2)
- contravene an order (2)
- contravene order (14)
- contravention (6)
- control (20)
- counter complaint (1)
- Court’s permission (3)
- Court appointed expert (1)
- credibility (19)
- credit (1)
- credit low (3)
- credit nil (3)
- cross dress (1)
- CTO (1)
- cultural identity (1)
- culture (12)
- cumulative damage (1)
- cycle of violence (1)
- more »« less
- decision delegated (15)
- decision joint (3)
- decision making authority (2)
- decision making capacity (3)
- decisions about daily welfare (2)
- decisions independent (1)
- de facto (1)
- delegated (4)
- delegated authority (1)
- Delegated Decision Making (1)
- delusional disorder (3)
- demonstrated insight (2)
- denigrate (13)
- denigrating (9)
- Departmental Case Review Report (1)
- depression (23)
- derogatory (5)
- derogatory language (2)
- detained admission (1)
- developmental delay (6)
- dichotomous thinking (1)
- differentiate own/others emotions (19)
- difficult to engage (1)
- disability (4)
- discipline (25)
- discipline harsh (5)
- discipline rigid (1)
- discoverable (5)
- discovery request (1)
- disengaged (7)
- dissociated (1)
- distant (1)
- Distressed Personality Traits (1)
- distrust (6)
- domestic violence (16)
- dominant maternal involvement (1)
- dowry (1)
- duress (1)
- more »« less
- easily influenced (3)
- eating disorder (1)
- economic abuse (1)
- embroiled (7)
- emotional abuse (19)
- emotional approval (5)
- emotional invalidation (1)
- emotionally disengage (1)
- Emotionally Expressive (2)
- emotionally unavailable (2)
- emotional manipulation (2)
- emotional needs (22)
- emotional support (9)
- emotional wellbeing (2)
- empathy (14)
- encourage meaningful relationship (1)
- end of parent/child relationship (1)
- England (1)
- enmeshed (14)
- entitlement (9)
- environmental neglect (4)
- epilepsy (5)
- estoppel (1)
- estranged (8)
- estrangement (4)
- evidence actual (3)
- evidence admissibility (17)
- evidence hearsay (1)
- evidence objective (3)
- evidence uncorroborated (1)
- exclude (5)
- exclude a parent (3)
- excluded (6)
- expert adversarial (4)
- expert evidence (34)
- expert evidence unsatisfactory (24)
- expert historical reports (1)
- expert opinion (6)
- expert opinions (1)
- expert scope (1)
- expert single witness (8)
- experts number of (6)
- experts simultaneous (11)
- expert witness (23)
- extended family (21)
- externalising attributions (1)
- extracurricula activities (6)
- more »« less
- facilitate a meaningful relationship (1)
- facilitate contact (5)
- fairness (4)
- family assessment (11)
- family assessment report (3)
- Family Circuit Courts (2)
- family consultant (80)
- Family Consultants (1)
- Family Court (8)
- Family Courts (1)
- Family Law Act (7)
- Family Law Courts (2)
- Family Law Rules (3)
- Family Relationship Centres (1)
- Family Report (1)
- family therapy (5)
- family violence (76)
- father-figure (1)
- favouritism (2)
- FCA (1)
- Federal Circuit Court (2)
- Federal Circuit Courts (2)
- Federal Magistrate (1)
- financial abuse (1)
- financial bond (1)
- fishing expedition (3)
- FLA (1)
- flawed investigative approach (2)
- FLC (5)
- Florida Psychological Assessment Resources (1)
- forensic reasons (3)
- foresee dangers (1)
- foster carer (1)
- Full Court (4)
- more »« less
- gender change (1)
- Gillick criteria (1)
- give credit (3)
- Gladstone Gladstone (1)
- GP (2)
- graduated approach (27)
- grandmother (12)
- grandparent (20)
- grief (5)
- guardian (6)
- more »« less
- handover (17)
- harassment (3)
- health preoccupation (2)
- held tightly (1)
- high-risk families (1)
- high conflict (10)
- high conflict couple (25)
- High Court (1)
- history of family violence (5)
- hit (16)
- hypervigilant (3)
- more »« less
- ICL (29)
- identity purposes (1)
- impact on child (17)
- impaired parenting capacity (2)
- inappropriate comments (1)
- Independent Children Lawyer (1)
- Independent Children’s Lawyer ICL (1)
- India (1)
- infant (20)
- influence (23)
- influenced (12)
- informing a child (1)
- injustice (2)
- injustices (4)
- in loco parentis (1)
- inspect notes (1)
- intellectual disability (6)
- interactions (1)
- interim order (13)
- interim orders (9)
- interrogate (5)
- interrogated (2)
- interrogating (2)
- intractable conflict (7)
- intrusive (5)
- investigative process (1)
- involve children (1)
- involved the child (1)
- Islander (1)
- more »« less
- jealousy (1)
- joint decision (11)
- judge interview a child (3)
- Judge Rules (1)
- Judges Rules (2)
- justice (5)
- more »« less
- KB (2)
- kinship care (1)
- lacked insight (28)
- lack of supervision (1)
- learning difficulties (1)
- legal construct (1)
- legally represented (1)
- less adversarial trial (2)
- level of involvement (2)
- levels of support (1)
- likelihood of occurrence (1)
- limited contact (2)
- limited involvement (14)
- long absent parent (3)
- long distance apart (1)
- long term care (2)
- long term guardianship (7)
- loyal (5)
- more »« less
- Magistrate Court (1)
- major long term issues (16)
- mandated therapy (1)
- manipulate (3)
- manipulation (3)
- manipulative (3)
- marihuana (1)
- marked instability (6)
- material factor (3)
- maturity (14)
- McKenzie friend (1)
- meaningful relationship (56)
- mediation (3)
- Medical Certificate (1)
- mental health (26)
- mental illness (12)
- mental state (6)
- methadone (1)
- Michigan study (1)
- mid-childhood (1)
- monitor (8)
- mood disorder (3)
- multiple relationship (1)
- Munchausen’s by Proxy (1)
- mutual accusations (9)
- mutual distrust (2)
- MVA (1)
- more »« less
- name for stepparent (3)
- neglect (19)
- negotiate (1)
- new partner (5)
- new relationship (15)
- New Zealand (1)
- no contact (8)
- non-members (1)
- non-parent (5)
- non-parents (1)
- normal behaviour (2)
- no specific harm (1)
- not admit (3)
- more »« less
- objectivity (4)
- Observation (1)
- observe interactions (9)
- OCD (2)
- offensive (4)
- onus of proof (3)
- out-of-home (1)
- overnight stays (17)
- own abuse as a child (1)
- own needs (12)
- more »« less
- pacify a child (1)
- parallel parenting (5)
- paranoia (10)
- parent-child communication (1)
- parent-child relationship end (2)
- parent-child therapy (2)
- parental attitude (6)
- parental attitudes polarised (2)
- parental authority (1)
- parental conflict (17)
- parental dependence (2)
- parental disability (3)
- parental disputes (9)
- parental distress (8)
- parent alienation syndrome (1)
- parental responsibility (16)
- parentification (9)
- parentified (2)
- parenting style externalising (1)
- parenting capacity (30)
- parenting order (5)
- parenting quality of time (2)
- parenting style (54)
- parenting style authoritarian (8)
- parenting style authoritative (4)
- parenting style dependent (11)
- parenting style disengaged (2)
- parenting style emotional (8)
- parenting style externalising (0)
- parenting style insightless (8)
- parenting style intrusive (2)
- parenting style permissive (19)
- parenting style protective (4)
- parenting style rigid (6)
- parenting styles differ (6)
- parenting style self centred (8)
- parenting style undermining (15)
- parenting tasks (2)
- parent long absent (2)
- partisan (10)
- PAS (1)
- pass messages (2)
- perjury (2)
- permanent residency (2)
- persistent allegations (2)
- personality aggressive (16)
- personality concerns (3)
- personality dependent (4)
- personality differences (1)
- personality disorder (10)
- personality disorder borderline (4)
- personality disorder obsessive (1)
- Personality Disorders (1)
- personality domineering (20)
- personality emotionally volatile (16)
- personality impulsive (4)
- personality manipulative (1)
- personality obsessive (2)
- personality rigid (18)
- personality self-centred (8)
- personality submissive (6)
- personality suspicious (9)
- personality trait (1)
- personality traits (1)
- personality ultra-critical (7)
- personal responsibility (3)
- person concerned (1)
- perspective take (3)
- phases of adjustment (1)
- photograph (1)
- physical abuse (10)
- physical damage (1)
- physical discipline (2)
- please both parents (5)
- polygamous (1)
- Polynesian culture (1)
- polysubstance abuse (2)
- pornography (6)
- possible regrets (1)
- power imbalance (2)
- practicable (8)
- practical care (2)
- preoccupied (8)
- pressure (16)
- primary attachment figure (9)
- primary carer (20)
- primary school age (1)
- prioritise child’s needs (11)
- prioritise children’s needs (2)
- prioritise the child’s needs (2)
- prioritising a child’s needs (2)
- privacy (4)
- privileged (3)
- prognosis (2)
- projected (1)
- prolonged litigation (5)
- prospective relationship (3)
- protective behaviours (3)
- psychiatric assessment (5)
- psychological abuse (3)
- psychometric test (8)
- psychotic depression (2)
- PTSD (3)
- more »« less
- re-partnered (43)
- reality test (1)
- reasonable concern (3)
- reasonable excuse (18)
- reconcile (5)
- recovery order (3)
- recruit (3)
- refused contact (3)
- Registration Board (2)
- rehabilitation (36)
- reintegration therapy (1)
- reliable witness (3)
- religion (4)
- religious belief (5)
- relocate (27)
- relocated (4)
- reluctant to contact (24)
- repeated applications (1)
- report on (9)
- require daily support (2)
- research (10)
- residency visa (1)
- resist contact (2)
- resist pressure (1)
- respect (18)
- restrain (17)
- restrained (42)
- restrained from alcohol use (3)
- restrained from approaching (2)
- restrained from arrange therapy (1)
- restrained from being present (3)
- restrained from communicating (4)
- restrained from contact (13)
- restrained from denigration (2)
- restrained from disclosing (1)
- restrained from monitoring (1)
- restrained from permitting (2)
- restrained from physical discipline (3)
- restrained from relocating (1)
- restrained from smoking (1)
- restrained from substance use (1)
- restricted communication (3)
- reunification (9)
- reunification plan (6)
- review (22)
- risk assessment (3)
- risk factors (1)
- risk issues (1)
- role of biological parent (2)
- more »« less
- sabotaged (1)
- safety measures (3)
- safety skills (3)
- same sex relationship (2)
- Samoan (1)
- schizoaffective disorder (2)
- schizophrenia (5)
- school attendance (14)
- secret location (3)
- securely attached (18)
- self centred (12)
- self control (2)
- self harm (18)
- sense of injustice (1)
- separation anxiety (3)
- series of temporary orders (1)
- set firm boundaries (8)
- severe contact (1)
- severe drug withdrawal (1)
- severity of impact (1)
- sexual abuse (50)
- sexual assault (8)
- sexualised behaviour by parent (6)
- sexual offences (2)
- shame (1)
- shared care (30)
- shared parental responsibility (57)
- shared parenting (3)
- short term custody order (2)
- sibling relationship (14)
- sibling separation (16)
- sibling supervision (1)
- significant issues (1)
- significant time (19)
- smack (12)
- smack the child (12)
- SMS (1)
- sole parental responsibility (112)
- special needs (10)
- specific order for report (1)
- spend time (98)
- stalk (1)
- standard of proof (8)
- State Government (1)
- stepparent (9)
- Steven Ralph (1)
- strong belief (36)
- structured communication (7)
- structured parenting programme (1)
- subpoena (16)
- substance abuse (14)
- substances test for (2)
- substance use ceased (2)
- substantial and significant time (18)
- suicide (7)
- supervise access (1)
- supervise compliance (1)
- supervised access (28)
- supervision adequacy (2)
- supervision by agency (6)
- Supervision of Child (3)
- supervision of compliance (1)
- supervision ongoing (9)
- supervision standards (2)
- surveillance (3)
- more »« less
- teach safety skills (1)
- temperament anxious (1)
- Temperament Externalising (0)
- Temperament Internalising (1)
- temperament oppositional defiant (1)
- Temperaments differ (1)
- test for substances (3)
- test of reasonable concerns (1)
- test of unacceptable risk (1)
- therapeutic family care (1)
- therapist (11)
- therapist evidence (4)
- therapy for child (19)
- therapy for family (2)
- therapy for parent (39)
- therapy parent-child (1)
- threat (7)
- time spent (8)
- tolerate separation (1)
- Torrens Strait (1)
- Torres Strait (1)
- toxic (3)
- Traditional Parenting Styles (1)
- treating psychologist (30)
- treatment report (12)
- trust (14)
- TV (1)
- more »« less
- ultimate issue (2)
- ultimatum (1)
- unable to communicate (1)
- unable to cope (7)
- unacceptable risk (46)
- uncorroborated evidence (0)
- undermine relationship (1)
- undue influence (4)
- unenforceable (1)
- unfit parent (1)
- unreasonable concern (2)
- unsatisfactory professional performance (1)
- unsubstantiated allegation (16)
- unsupervised care (2)
- untested arrangement (1)
- untested primary carer (2)
- USA (1)
- more »« less
- vae tama (1)
- validate (3)
- vexatious litigant (1)
- vigilant (2)
- voluntary attendance (2)
- vulnerable family (2)
- more »« less
- WDW (1)
- weigh evidence (6)
- weight to evidence (1)
- western psychology (1)
- withdrawn from (3)
- withheld (37)
- withheld finances (1)
- withhold emotional approval (5)
- more »« less
- yelling (4)
- young parent (5)